Faccetta Nera

Faccetta Nera (Italian: "Little Black Face") was a popular marching song of Italy's Fascist regime.



The hymn is said to have been inspired by a beautiful young Abyssinian slave girl, who was found by the Italian troops at the beginning of the Fascist invasion of Ethiopia.

Faccetta Nera talks about how the brunette will be taken back to Rome and offered a new life, free from the bonds of slavery. There, the song's narrator promises that her already dark-complected skin will be further "kissed" by the Italian sun, and that she will be introduced to new laws, rulers and customs.

Composed during the Fascists' military campaign in Ethiopia, the song soon became a symbol of the regime.


Italian lyrics
Se tu dall'altipiano guardi il mare
Moretta che sei schiava fra gli schiavi
Vedrai come in un sogno tante navi
E un tricolore sventolar per te
Faccetta nera, bell'abissina
Aspetta e spera che già l'ora si avvicina!
quando saremo insieme a te
noi ti daremo un'altra legge e un altro Re
La legge nostra è schiavitù d'amore
il nostro motto è LIBERTÀ e DOVERE
vendicheremo noi Camicie Nere
Gli eroi caduti liberando te!
Faccetta nera, bell'abissina
Aspetta e spera che già l'ora si avvicina!
quando saremo insieme a te
noi ti daremo un'altra legge e un altro Re
Faccetta nera, piccola abissina
ti porteremo a Roma, liberata
Dal sole nostro tu sarai baciata
Sarai in Camicia Nera pure tu
Faccetta nera, sarai Romana
La tua bandiera sarà sol quella italiana!
Noi marceremo insieme a te
E sfileremo avanti al Duce e avanti al Re!
English translation
If you look at the sea from the hills
Young brunette slave amongst slaves
Like in a dream you will see many ships
And a tricolour waving for you
Little black face, beautiful Abyssinian
Wait and see the hour coming!
When we will be with you
We will give you another law and another king
Our law is slavery of love
Our motto is FREEDOM and DUTY
We will avenge the blackshirts
the heroes that died to free you!
Little black face, beautiful Abyssinian
Wait and see the hour coming!
When we are with you
We will give you another law and another king
Little black face, little Abyssinian
We will take you to Rome, as a free person
You will be kissed by our sun
and a black shirt you will be too
Little black face, you will be Roman
Your only flag will be Italian!
We will march together with you
and parade in front of the Duce and the king!

See also

External links